Virus Buster Serge

Virus Buster Serge E02.mkv_snapshot_14.41_[2014.09.14_16.23.07]Virus Buster Serge E04.mkv_snapshot_14.54_[2014.09.15_15.26.26]THAT’S WHAT I LIKE TO KNOW!  What the freak is going on? Why are you fighting these hideous monster while wearing these tacky power ranger suit?  Who am I and who are these people? RAVEN! ANSWER ME! You know something right? Raven: …. *walk out of the room*

– This anime is a mecha power suit cop action fighting unknown monster that were rampage in town.  Then it changes into a hacking/techie in the middle of the story and then pull out the alien/space card at the end.  Turns out this anime is based on the Sega Saturn game “Virus.” This video game was released in 1997 as a collaborative effort of Hudson, Sega, and Avex. The plot and the functions of the characters were different in the game, but the overall concept was the same and Serge was the main character.  Credit to ANN.

– Ep1 thought ep6 are all unwatchable.  They start each ep by jumping right in the battle.  Without any introduction on monster and its power, who is fighting what, what weapon is doing what, and frankly I don’t know what’s the hell is going on.  It’s you-trying-to-kill-me-so-now-I’m-going-kill-you mentality.  Monster would shoot laser beam out of their.. neck? maybe? Then main char would go super saiya mode and obliterate the monster. After blowing up monsters,  character will ask RAVEN for answer, but he would kept his mouth shuts like a murderer pledge for the fifth.  But when Raven decide to talk he always spews out riddle like poet on steroid all eps long.  My goodness!  As for the plot, you’d see human turning into ugly monster that have dick coming out of their mouth.  In some ep, some weird guy wearing one eye mask is hacking into everybody’s brain.  And they don’t have any conclusion at the end of ep either.  It’s a wild goose chase all series long.

– This mysterious plot would have been ok had they properly introduce chars and the world setting.   They never did that.  You don’t know where they came from until ep.7 or so.  They never do any daily life filler so I don’t know their personality.  Heck I didn’t know Mirei suppose to be a loli type char.  As for the setting, I’m still not sure which part of the earth they’re on.  It supposes to be neo Hong Kong or something, with weird futuristic building and wanabe-tech cars.

– So after frustration with unexplained plot and getting no relief on the dulled monster fight, you get a TON of answers all at once.  This is happen after RAVEN, the silent hologram banger, is gone which is dumb since he’s suppose to be the boss.  Anyway,  turns out IT’S ALIEN!. Yep, the all mighty alien or maybe god(I’m not sure) from higher universe is the one who sending out virus to human. *FLASHBACK* Milan(clone of Surge(mainguy)),fascinated by the alien, want to communicate with it.  Everybody try to stop him, but Dolla(love Milan) want to please this alien cocksucker so she said, “WHY NOT? ARE YOU AFRAID TO DIE?”  WTF?!! and then the space station explodes killing everyone. LOL

– what make it worst is that all dialogs are very bad.  Either that or the acting is really bad, the pacing sometime feel like amateur Bollywood movie.

– This is 1997 so I wasn’t too weird out by the odd shape characters.  I think it’s the same guy who design char for Fetal Fury anime.  Bulk upper body with really small waist and big alien eyes. The monster looks really gruesome though, it’d have been a great horror anime.

– Funny engrish: VEE LUSS = Virus.  Main character named Serge, they pronounce “SearchgeS”

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